5 Senses
-Learn what the 5 senses are
-Letter S: Smell, put cinnamon on it with finger
-Sight: -blindfold walking
-make rainbow bread: using a paintbrush paint bread and toast it
-backyard picture scavenger hunt: take ipad and look for things to take a picture of
-ABC hide n seek: Find the alphabet letters hidden in the room
-Find a word from the book and put a sticker on it
-Touch: -What Am I: Put things in paper bags and guess what it is
-Sock Touch: Feel different things with a sock on your hand
-Ice Cube Paint: Paint with food colored ice cubes
-Cutting exercise: Cut grass out of paper, pokey (use some for hand craft)
-Hand Craft: Trace hand: Put something scratchy (sandpaper), soft, bumpy (glue dots), smooth (aluminum foil) one on each finger, sticky (sticker, tape).....
-Jump to scratchy, crunchy, fluffy, bumpy, soft, hard
-Find the ABCs: In beans
5 Senses
Letter T: Sprinkle food on it for Taste (see word taste and how it starts with T. "t"
Taste: -Taste guess: Taste foods and guess what it is
-Plug nose: Try to taste, cant, thats why when you're sick and have a cold you can't taste
-Cheerio necklaces: String cheerios and make bracelets, necklaces, eat them
-Q Tip taste: Sour (lemon) Sweet (sugar) Salt (salty) Pungent (garlic), astringent (green apple skins and grape skins)
Smell: -Guess/Play with scents (cinnamon, lemon juice, peanut butter, ....
-Spice Name: Place spices on letters of BRIEL
-Bubble Bath
-Make Gingerbread cookies
-Spice Letters: Write letters in spices
Learn 5 senses song
5 Senses Day 3
Letter H: Hear, glue bells
-Musical Cups: Tap cups with different amouts of water in them
-Blindfold Game: Guess the sounds
-Egg Game: Match eggs with similar sounds
-Word find: Listen for the word in a story
-Sound Safari: Go on a walk and find the sounds
-Review Song
-Sense Pictures: Make eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hand on popsicle sticks and take pictures with them
-5 senses chart
-Sorting Game
-All 5 senses craft
-5 Senses dice game
My Body (Day 1)
-Letter B: Body, fingerprints on the B
-Fingerprints: Trace hands, place fingerprints on each finger and see how different
-Fingerprint counting
-Make pictures using fingerprints
-Sunscreen on black paper experiment
-Make a skeleton on black paper with qtips
-Make a skeleton using cutouts and bracket pins
-Make a gum with playdoh and place marshmellows in it to represent teeth
-Spitting Exercise
Snack Marshmellow teeth
My Body (day 2)
-Letter M: Muscles, Markers
-Push, Pull, Jump, Put Rubberbands on a pinecone (all using muscles which )
-"Were all made of hinges" primary song
-Color different organs
-Digestive system wk
-Draw food thru intestines (maze activity)
-Brain Surgery: Make Jello, pick out letters from the brain
-Learn: In your head, the boss, squishy,
-Match BRAIN to brain
-Make a brain headband
-Pin the brain on the head, Place sticker on brain for using her brain and answering questions
-Decorate brain with things Briel thinks of
-Blow in a straw to create bubbles
-Blow bubbles
-Hold breath contest
Snack: Jello
I Love Me (DAY 1)
-letter L: Love, draw hearts on it
-Trace Body: Draw clothes on the body. Place skeleton on top to show bones underneath, and organs
-Sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"
-Name Activities:
*Trace it in rainbow colors
*Paint Trace on top with qtips in paint
*Use chalkboard and write it out and use wet paintbrush to erase Letters by tracing it over
*Roll Playdough snakes and lay on traced letters of name
*Create animal with letters written on back and put clothespins of letters from name on it
*Worksheet to slowly write own name
-What I Am Sesame Street Song
-Starfall (computer game)
I LOVE ME (DAY 2) Emotions
-Look at different emotions and talk about them and how they look
-Cutting Exercise: Cut out emotions in squares (use them in emotion game later)
-What things make us happy, sad....
-Take pictures of different emotions on ourselves
-Read a story and pull up a face emotion on a popsicle stick when happy, sad, scared....
-Make a face using playdough
-Change a face around with bracket pins. Lower eyes, turn frown around etc.
-Emotion game: Emotions in one pile and animals in another. Act out the emotion with the animal.
-What can we do when were happy, sad, mad....
-Help a barbie know what to do when angry (play)
My Family
Letter F
-Draw a picture of your family on a small square that can use with popsicle craft later
-What does each family member like to do?
-Do Family Packet Worksheets on Pinterest
-Spell Dad/Mom/Dillon/Briel
-Dad Pretend: Talk about dad, wear a tie, pretend to be on the computer working, Briel can earn money too by working hard, do chores to earn money, use money to buy something at the store
-Mom Pretend: Play with dolls and take care of them, make a treat, sing songs with Dillon (learn a new song), clean the house
-House Popsicle Craft: Place family picture in a popsicle house frame
-3 Little Pigs Story
Straw- build house out of shredded wheat
Sticks-build house out of pretzels or popsicle sticks
Bricks-build house out of legos
-Create houses from various shapes
-Room Sorting: Place objects in correct room where you find it (toothbrush, movie, toys, teddy bear, hairbrush, blanket, remote, piano music, food)
-Primary family songs
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