Day 1:
-P is for polka dot pumpkin activity. Find ps and color them in the pumpkin
-Read Halloween books
-Halloween Songs "10 little Pumpkins"
-Go pick out a pumpkin
-Carry it around the house and show it around
-Vocab: Spell out words like pumpkin, spooky, jack o lantern, halloween, boo in lowercase and uppercase. Place uppercase words on top of lowercase (matching)
-Roll a Jack o Lantern game: Use dice and when roll a one get your pumpkin, 2 eyes, 3 stem, 4 nose, 5 smile, 6 leaf (something like that) whoever finishes first wins. If roll a repeat skip turn. "Oh no, I already have my eyes."
-Count and group candy pumpkins in groups of 5
-Paint pumpkin that you choose
Day 2:
-Learn about spiders
-Operation spider: Pick out spiders using tweezers from a box strung with yarn
-Make spider webs:
Make spider webs with yarn and holes around a paper plate lacing yarn across plate
-Spider toss: Make a tape spider web across hall and throw tissues in it and see if the spider will stick
Candy: Letter and number tracing with candy corn
Mummy: Place masking tape on top of a black construction paper mummy
Monsters: Roll a Monster game. How many eyes does my monster have? Roll a 5 Draw 5 eyes on your monster
Witches: Make witch hat cookies. Chocolate cookie with kiss stuck on top with frosting
Sing songs and read books
Learn the monster mash on youtube and dance to it
Day 3: (after Halloween)
Catergorize candy
Read Hansel and Gretel
Make house with toothpicks and candy or marshmellows
Color patterns with candy from Halloween
Pinch sugar and put in one jar from the next
Guess the candy that is described
Super why-Hansel and Gretel- A Healthy Adventure
Candy corn numbers and letters
Group pumpkins in sets of five
Friday, December 4, 2015
All About Me Unit: 5 sense (3 days) My Body (2 days) All About Me (2 days) My Family (1)
5 Senses
-Learn what the 5 senses are
-Letter S: Smell, put cinnamon on it with finger
-Sight: -blindfold walking
-make rainbow bread: using a paintbrush paint bread and toast it
-backyard picture scavenger hunt: take ipad and look for things to take a picture of
-ABC hide n seek: Find the alphabet letters hidden in the room
-Find a word from the book and put a sticker on it
-Touch: -What Am I: Put things in paper bags and guess what it is
-Sock Touch: Feel different things with a sock on your hand
-Ice Cube Paint: Paint with food colored ice cubes
-Cutting exercise: Cut grass out of paper, pokey (use some for hand craft)
-Hand Craft: Trace hand: Put something scratchy (sandpaper), soft, bumpy (glue dots), smooth (aluminum foil) one on each finger, sticky (sticker, tape).....
-Jump to scratchy, crunchy, fluffy, bumpy, soft, hard
-Find the ABCs: In beans
5 Senses
Letter T: Sprinkle food on it for Taste (see word taste and how it starts with T. "t"
Taste: -Taste guess: Taste foods and guess what it is
-Plug nose: Try to taste, cant, thats why when you're sick and have a cold you can't taste
-Cheerio necklaces: String cheerios and make bracelets, necklaces, eat them
-Q Tip taste: Sour (lemon) Sweet (sugar) Salt (salty) Pungent (garlic), astringent (green apple skins and grape skins)
Smell: -Guess/Play with scents (cinnamon, lemon juice, peanut butter, ....
-Spice Name: Place spices on letters of BRIEL
-Bubble Bath
-Make Gingerbread cookies
-Spice Letters: Write letters in spices
Learn 5 senses song
5 Senses Day 3
Letter H: Hear, glue bells
-Musical Cups: Tap cups with different amouts of water in them
-Blindfold Game: Guess the sounds
-Egg Game: Match eggs with similar sounds
-Word find: Listen for the word in a story
-Sound Safari: Go on a walk and find the sounds
-Review Song
-Sense Pictures: Make eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hand on popsicle sticks and take pictures with them
-5 senses chart
-Sorting Game
-All 5 senses craft
-5 Senses dice game
My Body (Day 1)
-Letter B: Body, fingerprints on the B
-Fingerprints: Trace hands, place fingerprints on each finger and see how different
-Fingerprint counting
-Make pictures using fingerprints
-Sunscreen on black paper experiment
-Make a skeleton on black paper with qtips
-Make a skeleton using cutouts and bracket pins
-Make a gum with playdoh and place marshmellows in it to represent teeth
-Spitting Exercise
Snack Marshmellow teeth
My Body (day 2)
-Letter M: Muscles, Markers
-Push, Pull, Jump, Put Rubberbands on a pinecone (all using muscles which )
-"Were all made of hinges" primary song
-Color different organs
-Digestive system wk
-Draw food thru intestines (maze activity)
-Brain Surgery: Make Jello, pick out letters from the brain
-Learn: In your head, the boss, squishy,
-Match BRAIN to brain
-Make a brain headband
-Pin the brain on the head, Place sticker on brain for using her brain and answering questions
-Decorate brain with things Briel thinks of
-Blow in a straw to create bubbles
-Blow bubbles
-Hold breath contest
Snack: Jello
I Love Me (DAY 1)
-letter L: Love, draw hearts on it
-Trace Body: Draw clothes on the body. Place skeleton on top to show bones underneath, and organs
-Sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"
-Name Activities:
*Trace it in rainbow colors
*Paint Trace on top with qtips in paint
*Use chalkboard and write it out and use wet paintbrush to erase Letters by tracing it over
*Roll Playdough snakes and lay on traced letters of name
*Create animal with letters written on back and put clothespins of letters from name on it
*Worksheet to slowly write own name
-What I Am Sesame Street Song
-Starfall (computer game)
I LOVE ME (DAY 2) Emotions
-Look at different emotions and talk about them and how they look
-Cutting Exercise: Cut out emotions in squares (use them in emotion game later)
-What things make us happy, sad....
-Take pictures of different emotions on ourselves
-Read a story and pull up a face emotion on a popsicle stick when happy, sad, scared....
-Make a face using playdough
-Change a face around with bracket pins. Lower eyes, turn frown around etc.
-Emotion game: Emotions in one pile and animals in another. Act out the emotion with the animal.
-What can we do when were happy, sad, mad....
-Help a barbie know what to do when angry (play)
My Family
Letter F
-Draw a picture of your family on a small square that can use with popsicle craft later
-What does each family member like to do?
-Do Family Packet Worksheets on Pinterest
-Spell Dad/Mom/Dillon/Briel
-Dad Pretend: Talk about dad, wear a tie, pretend to be on the computer working, Briel can earn money too by working hard, do chores to earn money, use money to buy something at the store
-Mom Pretend: Play with dolls and take care of them, make a treat, sing songs with Dillon (learn a new song), clean the house
-House Popsicle Craft: Place family picture in a popsicle house frame
-3 Little Pigs Story
Straw- build house out of shredded wheat
Sticks-build house out of pretzels or popsicle sticks
Bricks-build house out of legos
-Create houses from various shapes
-Room Sorting: Place objects in correct room where you find it (toothbrush, movie, toys, teddy bear, hairbrush, blanket, remote, piano music, food)
-Primary family songs
-Learn what the 5 senses are
-Letter S: Smell, put cinnamon on it with finger
-Sight: -blindfold walking
-make rainbow bread: using a paintbrush paint bread and toast it
-backyard picture scavenger hunt: take ipad and look for things to take a picture of
-ABC hide n seek: Find the alphabet letters hidden in the room
-Find a word from the book and put a sticker on it
-Touch: -What Am I: Put things in paper bags and guess what it is
-Sock Touch: Feel different things with a sock on your hand
-Ice Cube Paint: Paint with food colored ice cubes
-Cutting exercise: Cut grass out of paper, pokey (use some for hand craft)
-Hand Craft: Trace hand: Put something scratchy (sandpaper), soft, bumpy (glue dots), smooth (aluminum foil) one on each finger, sticky (sticker, tape).....
-Jump to scratchy, crunchy, fluffy, bumpy, soft, hard
-Find the ABCs: In beans
5 Senses
Letter T: Sprinkle food on it for Taste (see word taste and how it starts with T. "t"
Taste: -Taste guess: Taste foods and guess what it is
-Plug nose: Try to taste, cant, thats why when you're sick and have a cold you can't taste
-Cheerio necklaces: String cheerios and make bracelets, necklaces, eat them
-Q Tip taste: Sour (lemon) Sweet (sugar) Salt (salty) Pungent (garlic), astringent (green apple skins and grape skins)
Smell: -Guess/Play with scents (cinnamon, lemon juice, peanut butter, ....
-Spice Name: Place spices on letters of BRIEL
-Bubble Bath
-Make Gingerbread cookies
-Spice Letters: Write letters in spices
Learn 5 senses song
5 Senses Day 3
Letter H: Hear, glue bells
-Musical Cups: Tap cups with different amouts of water in them
-Blindfold Game: Guess the sounds
-Egg Game: Match eggs with similar sounds
-Word find: Listen for the word in a story
-Sound Safari: Go on a walk and find the sounds
-Review Song
-Sense Pictures: Make eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hand on popsicle sticks and take pictures with them
-5 senses chart
-Sorting Game
-All 5 senses craft
-5 Senses dice game
My Body (Day 1)
-Letter B: Body, fingerprints on the B
-Fingerprints: Trace hands, place fingerprints on each finger and see how different
-Fingerprint counting
-Make pictures using fingerprints
-Sunscreen on black paper experiment
-Make a skeleton on black paper with qtips
-Make a skeleton using cutouts and bracket pins
-Make a gum with playdoh and place marshmellows in it to represent teeth
-Spitting Exercise
Snack Marshmellow teeth
My Body (day 2)
-Letter M: Muscles, Markers
-Push, Pull, Jump, Put Rubberbands on a pinecone (all using muscles which )
-"Were all made of hinges" primary song
-Color different organs
-Digestive system wk
-Draw food thru intestines (maze activity)
-Brain Surgery: Make Jello, pick out letters from the brain
-Learn: In your head, the boss, squishy,
-Match BRAIN to brain
-Make a brain headband
-Pin the brain on the head, Place sticker on brain for using her brain and answering questions
-Decorate brain with things Briel thinks of
-Blow in a straw to create bubbles
-Blow bubbles
-Hold breath contest
Snack: Jello
I Love Me (DAY 1)
-letter L: Love, draw hearts on it
-Trace Body: Draw clothes on the body. Place skeleton on top to show bones underneath, and organs
-Sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"
-Name Activities:
*Trace it in rainbow colors
*Paint Trace on top with qtips in paint
*Use chalkboard and write it out and use wet paintbrush to erase Letters by tracing it over
*Roll Playdough snakes and lay on traced letters of name
*Create animal with letters written on back and put clothespins of letters from name on it
*Worksheet to slowly write own name
-What I Am Sesame Street Song
-Starfall (computer game)
I LOVE ME (DAY 2) Emotions
-Look at different emotions and talk about them and how they look
-Cutting Exercise: Cut out emotions in squares (use them in emotion game later)
-What things make us happy, sad....
-Take pictures of different emotions on ourselves
-Read a story and pull up a face emotion on a popsicle stick when happy, sad, scared....
-Make a face using playdough
-Change a face around with bracket pins. Lower eyes, turn frown around etc.
-Emotion game: Emotions in one pile and animals in another. Act out the emotion with the animal.
-What can we do when were happy, sad, mad....
-Help a barbie know what to do when angry (play)
My Family
Letter F
-Draw a picture of your family on a small square that can use with popsicle craft later
-What does each family member like to do?
-Do Family Packet Worksheets on Pinterest
-Spell Dad/Mom/Dillon/Briel
-Dad Pretend: Talk about dad, wear a tie, pretend to be on the computer working, Briel can earn money too by working hard, do chores to earn money, use money to buy something at the store
-Mom Pretend: Play with dolls and take care of them, make a treat, sing songs with Dillon (learn a new song), clean the house
-House Popsicle Craft: Place family picture in a popsicle house frame
-3 Little Pigs Story
Straw- build house out of shredded wheat
Sticks-build house out of pretzels or popsicle sticks
Bricks-build house out of legos
-Create houses from various shapes
-Room Sorting: Place objects in correct room where you find it (toothbrush, movie, toys, teddy bear, hairbrush, blanket, remote, piano music, food)
-Primary family songs
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Modes of Transportation: General Modes of Transportation, Ambulance/Doctor, Fire Engine/Fire Safety, Car/Road Safety, Police Car/Stranger Danger, Bike/Walking/Healthy
Modes of Transportation
1. General Modes of Transportation:
10 -Letter Recognition Letter T worksheet, put tape on the outline of a T on back of wks
-Color Page- Color different modes of transportation
1030 -Land/Air/Sea- Cut out and measure different modes of transportation and measure them or measure them on a worksheet. Place them on a piece of construction with light blue for the sky and brown for dirt and blue for water. Have them draw clouds and sun in the sky and waves in the water and roads or lines on the land. Glue modes of transportation on the multi colored construction paper.
11 -Land Modes:
Car Sight Words Races: Place masking tape on cars with words written on the tape: me, I, a, is, it, and, the (call out a sight word and have them pick out the car with the matching sight word. Let them drop the cars down a steep incline. Have masking tape numbers on the floor saying numbers 1-8. See how far the car went. What number did the car get too? 5! etc.
Number Roads: Trace roads made from masking tape in the shape of a number. Where is number 4? Child will trace the number four with their car.
1130 Craft: Make Toilet Paper Airplanes
Number Train: Color train with each square of the train a different number. Glue all the train compartments on the train in the right order 1-10
12 Craft/Gross Motor/Imaginative Play- Make a cardboard car/plane/boat and play with it. can practive red light green light with popsicle sticks and circles of green, yellow, red glued to the top.
2. Ambulance/Doctor
10 -Letter Recognition Letter A worksheet, put rolled up balls of red playdough (apples) on the outline of A on back of wks
-Color Page- Color doctor tools
1030 Doctor Play Vocab- Stethescope, cast, bandaid, shot, siren, ambulance, doctor, nurse, paramedic. Use a stuffed animal and use vocab and doctor tools on the stuffed animal. Put a bandaid on the stuffed animal, check ears, heart, reflexes. Wrap arm in a cast. Talk about medicine and safety of not taking any without an adult.
Books Read Ambulance Books from library
Bandaid Numbers: Show four bandaids. How many are there? Etc. Also can write the number 4 on one and 4 dots on another and match them.
11 Eye Chart: An eye chart with big letters on top and getting smaller and have them see how far they can read it. If don't know letters well can do with numbers or shapes.
Tracing: Have a doctor, nurse, paramedic at one end with a crazy dotted line to the bandaid, shot, or ambulance and trace it first with your finger then with a crayon.
1130 Chart: What doctors Use and don't Use
911: Youtube videos and songs. Practice calling 911 on a paper display of phone or fake phone or phone not in use. Say only do this in emergency and practice on toy phones but not an actual phone unless a real emergency and scared.
12 Doctor Kits: Paper doctor kit (square construction paper with pipe cleaner stapled on top for handle. Glue cotton balls, band aids, popsicle sticks, gauze, etc into the kit.
3. Fire Engine/Fire Safety
10 -Letter Recognition Letter F worksheet, paint with a plastic fork and make red, yellow, orange flames on the F on the back of the wks
-Color Page- Color fireman color by number
1030 -911: Review song, and practice dialing
-Read Fire Safety/Firefighter Books
-FireTruck Puzzle: Print a firetruck and cut 10 rectangles from top to bottom. At bottom of each piece number 1-10. Child will put puzzle together with 1 first, then 2, then 3....see what picture it makes.
11 -Hot/Not Hot Chart
Make Firefighter Hats: Color paper plate red with yellow star in middle. Cut circl big enough for head but not all the way out. Keep 1/4 attached and let stand up on top of head.
1130 -Be a Firefighter: Go outside and use a spray bottle or squirt gun and make the chalk flames go away all while wearing the firefighter hat.
12 Fire Safety: Find smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, practice a drill, test door if hot or cold and what to do, stop drop and roll practice, smoke crawling
4. Car/Road Safety
-Letter C:Make it into a road
-Color Disney Pixar Car characters
-Masking Tape Roads that spell out BRIEL: trace them with toy cars, trace the letter I call out, practice using directions
-Sight Word Cars: Choose the car with the appropriate masking tape sight word called out. Let it roll down a steep incline and see what number it goes to.
-Traffic light song: Twinkle twinkle traffic light, shining round the corner bright, red means stop and green means go, yellow means go very slow, twinkle twinkle traffic light shining round the corner bright
-Red light game: Use popsicle sticks with circle construction paper
-Vocab for a car: Point out steering wheel, horn, tires, etc
-Stop/Look/Listen: Practice it
5. Police Car/Stranger Danger
-Letter P: paint it
-Read police books and stranger danger books
-Make police doll
-Fingerprint book: Make 1 on one page, 2 on next, ...
-Upper/Lowercase police hat match
-Stranger Danger: No, yell, run, tell
-Bernstein Bears clip on strangers
-Discuss rules: Don't take anything, don't go, don't let them touch you
-Red light game
6. Bike/Walking/ Healthy Habits
-Letter B:Cover in blue things
-Bikes/Walking are healthy
-Exercise vocab: learn what a jumping jack is, crab crawl, bridge, etc
-Learn about germs: Rub lotion on. Rub glitter on. Wash with water. Then with soap. Glitter represents germs
-Ride bikes/take a walk
1. General Modes of Transportation:
10 -Letter Recognition Letter T worksheet, put tape on the outline of a T on back of wks
-Color Page- Color different modes of transportation
1030 -Land/Air/Sea- Cut out and measure different modes of transportation and measure them or measure them on a worksheet. Place them on a piece of construction with light blue for the sky and brown for dirt and blue for water. Have them draw clouds and sun in the sky and waves in the water and roads or lines on the land. Glue modes of transportation on the multi colored construction paper.
11 -Land Modes:
Car Sight Words Races: Place masking tape on cars with words written on the tape: me, I, a, is, it, and, the (call out a sight word and have them pick out the car with the matching sight word. Let them drop the cars down a steep incline. Have masking tape numbers on the floor saying numbers 1-8. See how far the car went. What number did the car get too? 5! etc.
Number Roads: Trace roads made from masking tape in the shape of a number. Where is number 4? Child will trace the number four with their car.
1130 Craft: Make Toilet Paper Airplanes
Number Train: Color train with each square of the train a different number. Glue all the train compartments on the train in the right order 1-10
12 Craft/Gross Motor/Imaginative Play- Make a cardboard car/plane/boat and play with it. can practive red light green light with popsicle sticks and circles of green, yellow, red glued to the top.
2. Ambulance/Doctor
10 -Letter Recognition Letter A worksheet, put rolled up balls of red playdough (apples) on the outline of A on back of wks
-Color Page- Color doctor tools
1030 Doctor Play Vocab- Stethescope, cast, bandaid, shot, siren, ambulance, doctor, nurse, paramedic. Use a stuffed animal and use vocab and doctor tools on the stuffed animal. Put a bandaid on the stuffed animal, check ears, heart, reflexes. Wrap arm in a cast. Talk about medicine and safety of not taking any without an adult.
Books Read Ambulance Books from library
Bandaid Numbers: Show four bandaids. How many are there? Etc. Also can write the number 4 on one and 4 dots on another and match them.
11 Eye Chart: An eye chart with big letters on top and getting smaller and have them see how far they can read it. If don't know letters well can do with numbers or shapes.
Tracing: Have a doctor, nurse, paramedic at one end with a crazy dotted line to the bandaid, shot, or ambulance and trace it first with your finger then with a crayon.
1130 Chart: What doctors Use and don't Use
911: Youtube videos and songs. Practice calling 911 on a paper display of phone or fake phone or phone not in use. Say only do this in emergency and practice on toy phones but not an actual phone unless a real emergency and scared.
12 Doctor Kits: Paper doctor kit (square construction paper with pipe cleaner stapled on top for handle. Glue cotton balls, band aids, popsicle sticks, gauze, etc into the kit.
3. Fire Engine/Fire Safety
10 -Letter Recognition Letter F worksheet, paint with a plastic fork and make red, yellow, orange flames on the F on the back of the wks
-Color Page- Color fireman color by number
1030 -911: Review song, and practice dialing
-Read Fire Safety/Firefighter Books
-FireTruck Puzzle: Print a firetruck and cut 10 rectangles from top to bottom. At bottom of each piece number 1-10. Child will put puzzle together with 1 first, then 2, then 3....see what picture it makes.
11 -Hot/Not Hot Chart
Make Firefighter Hats: Color paper plate red with yellow star in middle. Cut circl big enough for head but not all the way out. Keep 1/4 attached and let stand up on top of head.
1130 -Be a Firefighter: Go outside and use a spray bottle or squirt gun and make the chalk flames go away all while wearing the firefighter hat.
12 Fire Safety: Find smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, practice a drill, test door if hot or cold and what to do, stop drop and roll practice, smoke crawling
4. Car/Road Safety
-Letter C:Make it into a road
-Color Disney Pixar Car characters
-Masking Tape Roads that spell out BRIEL: trace them with toy cars, trace the letter I call out, practice using directions
-Sight Word Cars: Choose the car with the appropriate masking tape sight word called out. Let it roll down a steep incline and see what number it goes to.
-Traffic light song: Twinkle twinkle traffic light, shining round the corner bright, red means stop and green means go, yellow means go very slow, twinkle twinkle traffic light shining round the corner bright
-Red light game: Use popsicle sticks with circle construction paper
-Vocab for a car: Point out steering wheel, horn, tires, etc
-Stop/Look/Listen: Practice it
5. Police Car/Stranger Danger
-Letter P: paint it
-Read police books and stranger danger books
-Make police doll
-Fingerprint book: Make 1 on one page, 2 on next, ...
-Upper/Lowercase police hat match
-Stranger Danger: No, yell, run, tell
-Bernstein Bears clip on strangers
-Discuss rules: Don't take anything, don't go, don't let them touch you
-Red light game
6. Bike/Walking/ Healthy Habits
-Letter B:Cover in blue things
-Bikes/Walking are healthy
-Exercise vocab: learn what a jumping jack is, crab crawl, bridge, etc
-Learn about germs: Rub lotion on. Rub glitter on. Wash with water. Then with soap. Glitter represents germs
-Ride bikes/take a walk
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Gardening: Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, Gardening
10 -Letter Recognition Letter V worksheet, vegetable peels on the outline of a V on back of wks
-Color Page
1030 -Vegetable Graph- Place vegetables on the graph that are the same in columns on the graph
-Making Pizzas- Make felt pizzas with different felt vegetables and toppings and use order cards to know how many of each item to put on the pizza (order cards have picture of item and a number of how many to put on the pizza)
1100 -Carrot Stems- Place appropriate amount of construction paper green stems out of carrots onto triangle carrots using construction paper. Have 1 stem out of the 1 carrot, 2 stems out of the 2 carrot etc up until about 5.
-Homemade Potato Heads- Make with potato and other vegetables using toothpicks.
1130 -Celery Science- Place celery in colored water and allow it to sit for several days while it soaks up the water and watch the celery change color. Learn that plants need water to grow and eat.
-Vegetable Stamps- Make stamps from potatoes and carrots and dip them in paint and stamp them on butcher paper.
Snack Ants on a Log
10 -Letter Recognition: Letter f worksheet, paint fruit juice on the outline of a F on back of wks
-Color Page
1030 -I Spy: Find the certain fruits and vegetables and count how many of each.
-Fruit/Veg Grocery Bags: Divide Fruit and Vegetables into their appropriate bag using actual fruits and vegetable and cut paste worksheet
11 -Floating/Sinking: Place different fruits and vegetables in the water and see if they float or sink.
-Dissecting: Take apart an apple and name parts- fruit (flesh), stem, core, peel, seeds
1130 - Rainbow Sorting: Take pictures of fruits and veggies cut out from store grocery ads and organize them in the colors of the rainbow.
-Watermelon Purse: Make watermelon purse out of yarn and paper plates while watching fruit songs off of youtube from busy beavers and others
Snack Apple Cars with raising for wheels and cut the slice of the apple to form a car.
10 -Letter Recognition: Letter f worksheet, glue flowers on the outline of a F on back of wks
-Color Page
1030 -Pom pom flowers- glue how many pom poms around the numbered flower. Flower #1 glue one pom pom, flower #2 glue two pom poms around it...etc
-Flower to stem- match numbered stem with numbered flower. Have cutouts with number on stem and flower and have kid match stem with flower. Can also do dots on stem or flower with number on the other representing the dots.
-Flower patterns-have different size flowers and colors and make a pattern with them and have kid continue on the pattern.
11 -Flower shape petals-glue triangles around triangle shaped flower, glue rectangles around rectangle shaped flower
-Flower science- Worksheet that says what a flower needs to live: water, sun, dirt, not candy and hamburgers.
1130 - -Flower sensory bin-fill pan with beans to represent dirt and plastic utensils to dig around in it and containers and fake flowers, fake snakes, fake frogs, and anything gardening like
-Flower walk- find flowers on a walk around the house
Snack: dirt cups
10 -Letter Recognition: Letter g worksheet, glue dirt on the outline of a g on back of wks
-Color Page
1030 -Make Dirt: make it with baking soda and water and food coloring, draw letters in it
-Carrot Sight Words: Write words on the back of carrot cutouts and place in sensory bin. Dig up carrots and say what you see.
11 -Flower Science- Review what a plant needs to grow
-Baggie Beans- Use ziploc bags, bean seeds, cotton balls. Dip cotton balls in water and place in ziploc bags and place bean seeds in bags. Dont make cotton balls too wet and soaked and place beans on top. Maybe squeeze some water out of cotton balls.
1130 -Tops/Bottoms-Learn about how plant can grow above and below ground and glue plants on a paper plate with a dirt line and plants growing above, below, and in the middle like corn.
-Sorting Seeds- Gather 5 different kinds of seeds and mix them in some fake dirt or sensory bin beans. Find seeds and sort into an egg carton. I personally took a portion of the beans out and mixed the seeds into it in the egg carton tray that was the lid part.
Snack:Try different fruits and vegetables and use a chart to check if you like it or dont or glue picture of fruit or vegetable on side you like or dont.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Outerspace: Stars. Planets, Moon, Space Ships
Get Library Books on Subject Always beforehand and use them in space needed with extra time
10 -Letter Recognition Letter S worksheet, place sticker stars on the outline of a S on back of worksheet after the bold letter is traced
-Color Page Color by number
1030 -Star Number Books: Make books with a page per number to 8 and place the appropriate amount of sticker stars on the page
-Constellation Sorting: Learn about constellations and organize different sizes of the big Dipper from biggest to smallest and vice versa
11 -Looking at the Stars: Take a flashlight and a pasta drainer into a closet and bring your binoculars/telescope (toilet paper roll) and look at the stars all over the ceiling.
1130 -Star Reading Chase: Chase cutouts of stars around the house that periodically end at library books about the stars. Stop and read them and continue the star trail and stop when it ends at books. At the very end have it stop at something really fun like an activity they like to play. (About 3 books)
12 -Constellation Art: Learn to draw a star and draw a picture and put stars on top of it to make your own constellation
Snack: Star shaped something: Fruit, cookie, cheese (use cookie cutter)
10 -Letter Recognition Letter P worksheet, poke holes on the outline of a P on back of worksheet after the bold letter is traced
-Coloring Matching Planets Page for Multiple Activities: Color Page with planets (twice). Tell them Mercury is purple Venus Orange, Mars Red, Earth Green and Blue, Jupiter Orange with red Spot, Saturn Yellow, Uranus Blue, Neptune Blue
1030 -Matching Memory Game: Play a matching game with colored planets
-Color planets with size appropriate porportions and color the same as above.
11 -Solar System Mobile: Cut them out and use them to make a solar system mobile with the sun in the middle and thread with tape hanging from the plate with the planets going around the sun farther and farther away.
-Make Space Book and place planets in it from memory card game, and star and constellation. You will use this for the whole unit and next two lessons. Review often.
1130 -Planet/Not Planet worksheet to differentiate between them
-Planet Running: Use the other half of memory card pieces to run to the planet or memory card game piece of the description you give for the planet. Smallest planet, red planet, largest planet, planet we live on, has the greatest winds, etc...
12 -Coffee filter planet making by drawing/scribbling on coffee filters with washable markers and spraying them with a water bottle.
Snack Carrots around a cracker (sun)
10 -Letter Recognition Letter M worksheet, markers on the outline of a M on back of worksheet
-Color Page
-Unit Book Add Moon to it by having them draw a circle for the moon and then label it.
1030 -Astronaut Puzzle: Cut out 9 piece puzzle and place on top of the astronaut picture
-Moon Rock Run: Carry moon rocks from one bucket to the other side of the room with salad tongs. Crumbled paper or aluminum foil will make good moon rocks
11 -Make Moon Sand
-Craters: Drop Rocks into Moon Sand and learn about craters.
1130 -Astronaut Masks: Cut out a circle mask out of a paper plate and decorate it. Place them on and jump around like astronauts on the moon. Talk about gravity on Earth and how that effects walking on the moon with a different gravity.
12 -Review/Favorites: Read moon books, play with sand, moon rock run
Snack: Oreo Moon phases, Peanut butter on Ritz crackers
10 -Letter Recognition Letter R worksheet, red marker on the outline of a M on back of worksheet
-Color Page Multiple rockets to use for review game
-Unit Book Add space shuttle to book. Learn that that is another name for a rocket.
1030 -Rocket Dice: Use dice to be the first to build your rocket. Roll the dice and place the appropriate piece of the rocket that corresponds with the number. If already done that piece your turn is skipped and goes to the next player. First to complete their rocket wins.
11 -Flying Rocket Review Answer a outer space question from the unit and blast off with rocket and go through an obstacle course (trampoline, slide) and stick it on a sheet on the wall into outer space.
-Paint Swatch Rocket craft: Use the paint color sample from the store to make a rocket and glue on black paper and make white stars with a white crayon
1130 -Build a Cardboard Box Rocket: Wear your astronaut mask while riding the rocket to outer space destinations.
12 -Paper Straw Rockets: Blow wrapper, or tightly wrapped paper off of a straw. Try to get the rocket to land on a planet (bowl/dish/construction paper that is the color of a planet)
Snack: Cheese stick rockets, or cracker shaped rockets
10 -Letter Recognition Letter S worksheet, place sticker stars on the outline of a S on back of worksheet after the bold letter is traced
-Color Page Color by number
1030 -Star Number Books: Make books with a page per number to 8 and place the appropriate amount of sticker stars on the page
-Constellation Sorting: Learn about constellations and organize different sizes of the big Dipper from biggest to smallest and vice versa
11 -Looking at the Stars: Take a flashlight and a pasta drainer into a closet and bring your binoculars/telescope (toilet paper roll) and look at the stars all over the ceiling.
1130 -Star Reading Chase: Chase cutouts of stars around the house that periodically end at library books about the stars. Stop and read them and continue the star trail and stop when it ends at books. At the very end have it stop at something really fun like an activity they like to play. (About 3 books)
12 -Constellation Art: Learn to draw a star and draw a picture and put stars on top of it to make your own constellation
Snack: Star shaped something: Fruit, cookie, cheese (use cookie cutter)
10 -Letter Recognition Letter P worksheet, poke holes on the outline of a P on back of worksheet after the bold letter is traced
-Coloring Matching Planets Page for Multiple Activities: Color Page with planets (twice). Tell them Mercury is purple Venus Orange, Mars Red, Earth Green and Blue, Jupiter Orange with red Spot, Saturn Yellow, Uranus Blue, Neptune Blue
1030 -Matching Memory Game: Play a matching game with colored planets
-Color planets with size appropriate porportions and color the same as above.
11 -Solar System Mobile: Cut them out and use them to make a solar system mobile with the sun in the middle and thread with tape hanging from the plate with the planets going around the sun farther and farther away.
-Make Space Book and place planets in it from memory card game, and star and constellation. You will use this for the whole unit and next two lessons. Review often.
1130 -Planet/Not Planet worksheet to differentiate between them
-Planet Running: Use the other half of memory card pieces to run to the planet or memory card game piece of the description you give for the planet. Smallest planet, red planet, largest planet, planet we live on, has the greatest winds, etc...
12 -Coffee filter planet making by drawing/scribbling on coffee filters with washable markers and spraying them with a water bottle.
Snack Carrots around a cracker (sun)
10 -Letter Recognition Letter M worksheet, markers on the outline of a M on back of worksheet
-Color Page
-Unit Book Add Moon to it by having them draw a circle for the moon and then label it.
1030 -Astronaut Puzzle: Cut out 9 piece puzzle and place on top of the astronaut picture
-Moon Rock Run: Carry moon rocks from one bucket to the other side of the room with salad tongs. Crumbled paper or aluminum foil will make good moon rocks
11 -Make Moon Sand
-Craters: Drop Rocks into Moon Sand and learn about craters.
1130 -Astronaut Masks: Cut out a circle mask out of a paper plate and decorate it. Place them on and jump around like astronauts on the moon. Talk about gravity on Earth and how that effects walking on the moon with a different gravity.
12 -Review/Favorites: Read moon books, play with sand, moon rock run
Snack: Oreo Moon phases, Peanut butter on Ritz crackers
10 -Letter Recognition Letter R worksheet, red marker on the outline of a M on back of worksheet
-Color Page Multiple rockets to use for review game
-Unit Book Add space shuttle to book. Learn that that is another name for a rocket.
1030 -Rocket Dice: Use dice to be the first to build your rocket. Roll the dice and place the appropriate piece of the rocket that corresponds with the number. If already done that piece your turn is skipped and goes to the next player. First to complete their rocket wins.
11 -Flying Rocket Review Answer a outer space question from the unit and blast off with rocket and go through an obstacle course (trampoline, slide) and stick it on a sheet on the wall into outer space.
-Paint Swatch Rocket craft: Use the paint color sample from the store to make a rocket and glue on black paper and make white stars with a white crayon
1130 -Build a Cardboard Box Rocket: Wear your astronaut mask while riding the rocket to outer space destinations.
12 -Paper Straw Rockets: Blow wrapper, or tightly wrapped paper off of a straw. Try to get the rocket to land on a planet (bowl/dish/construction paper that is the color of a planet)
Snack: Cheese stick rockets, or cracker shaped rockets
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